As a substitute for resin inserts (hot box)

AWB as a substitute for resin inserts (hot box)
Mutual development of University of Essen and Minelco GmbH. In Essen

Minelco GmbH
Prof. Th. Steinhauser/A.Wolff,
Duisburg/Essen University

Foundry Sector

■ Super coal #7
■ OS Pax
■ Connecter
■ OS Patches
■ Graphite Patches
■ PC Carbon
■ PC Carbon G

Indirect Materialls Sector for casting

■ Various alloys
■ pumice stone slag sand
■ Special sand
■ Steel Shot
■ Coke for foundries
■ Various materials in general for foundries

Indirect Materials for non-ferrous metal casting use

■  Flux in general
■ Various Alloys
■ Mould Release Agent
■  Mould Cleaning Agent
■ アルミ合金・銅合金各種材料全般

Carbon Sector

SK has been developed as conductive material, heat resistant material, lubricant and material for machine parts in the industries of electricity, semi-conductors, machineries, precision machineries etc. In order to fulfill the hard conditions required for conductive materials and heat resistant materials, F.C. value and grain sizes classification are strictly controlled so that stable specification can be maintained.
PRODUCT LINEUPSince establishment we have been specializing in research and development of graphite products. We offer products focusing on the ecology to the next generation’s nanotechnologies on the basis of these technology and knowhow fostered over the years